Friday, March 21, 2008

The brush and the beard.

One of my blog heroes, strobist, says that this is the blogging hour. Of course he is three hours ahead of me, but you have to put some faith in your heroes. Oh, BTW, that means Mr. Hobby's blogging hour is 3:30 a.m.! I would be thinking about shaving if I was up at that hour!

So, the beard...I'm going to grow it back. I just like it. It makes me look thin!

For tonight, just a quick pic. I offer this brush that I finished today shown at left. This was another commissioned brush. It was a modified design of one of the BIG BOYS (okay that's a bit sexist, let's say BIG PEOPLES) designs. This customer knows his brushes, and he creates designs that work don't you think? The wood is thuya burl again. Schweet!!

Alright, that was the brush.

Tomorrow (or is it today?) let's talk about brush loft and firmness... One of my other customers had a great idea, and I'm going to try to act on it to actually create some useful information. That would be very cool! :-)

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