Today I used a new brush. It's a pretty basic tulip style turning as you can see in the picture. I had it set on firm for soap. It's a very cool brush, and you can expect to hear more about it in the future.

My soap is in the Old Spice mug I commented on a few posts ago, with a 3" inside diameter. The brush handle is pretty large at the top at about 38mm. I mention this because I have a customer, Shaun, who noted that a large handle neck can be restrictive in a mug or bowl when lathering. I had never really thought about it, but he is right! This new brush lathers fine, but it's going to get some mileage on the sides of my mug!
Today is changeover day for my blade. I don't know what will come out of the cabinet tomorrow, but it better be sharp!
I finished a bunch more brushes in the last few days. They are at the bottom of the pile (so dig deep) in my flickr brush set, here, if you are interested. Okay, here's another pic of a 25mm spalted maple brush to whet your appetite...

Good night for now!