I have an excuse: I have been extremely busy. Busy with work (two weeks of travel out of the last four), busy with family obligations, and busy with brushes. I even stopped taking new brush orders!
The real problem was the travel though. I'm behind on everything except my job now. Sometimes that's the way it goes. Oh yeah, that also means I can still pay the rent and eat...
I have managed to finish a few brushes this week. The brush above is a slightly more slender version of Amyn's tulip. It is a 25mm brush in Macassar Ebony. The brush to the right is another variation of that design. This one is a 28mm in Macassar Ebony.
It's an interesting variation, though it was a bit more difficult to finish for some reason.

Speaking of Macassar Ebony, I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore. Apparently the importers are having trouble getting it now. So, those of you with Macassar Ebony brushes, you may end up with a true rarity going forward. Let's hope not, but it could be.
I have an update on the Personna blade issue I blogged on last month. This week I decided to go back to my DE. When I removed the old Personna blade, two blades popped out! Apparently they were stuck together in the package when I changed the blade last time. I never exected that to happen, so I didn't look at the blade very hard. Well, two blades are obviously a lot worse than one, so it's no surprise that I was hating my shave! Now that I'm back to using one, sharp blade, life is good again!
c u l8r!